



(by Copilot,Bing)

政治には「危機への対処」をテコに支出拡大に向かう慣性がある。財政支出の拡大は選挙民に分かりやすく、手っ取り早い集票の手段として利用される。これまでは投票率の高い高齢層や、国民の多くが働く中小企業に向けた財政支援策が、多く盛り込まれてきた。そこに、防衛予算や少子化対策が追加された。このままでは、財政赤字は拡大が続くばかりだ。こうした情勢のもとで、日銀は異次元緩和と称して大量かつ長期にわたり国債を買い入れてきた。政府はみずからの資金繰りを心配する必要がなくなり、金利もゼロ近傍で資金調達できるようになった。金利がゼロであればいくら借金を重ねても、当面は懐が傷まない。支出を拡大しようとする政治の世界にとっては、これほど有難い状況はなかった訳である。(Yahoo、 抜粋元・山本謙三「異次元緩和の罪と罰」(講談社現代新書)

日本国債の外国人保有者割合は過去20年間で徐々に増加してきました。2004年 約5%、2010年 約7%、2015年 約10%、2020年約13%、2024年予想約13.3%
(by Copilot,Bing)


(by Copilot,Bing)


2022年 日本経済は何処に向かって行くのか、その対応策,
2019年 日本の財政と我々の生活

Populism and plummeting of Japan government bond prices

1. Populism refers to political movements and ideologies that emphasize the opinions and interests of ordinary citizens and oppose elites and the existing political order. The word comes from the Latin work "populus(people)", which translates as "populism" because it is a way to counter the ruling forces by
listening to the grievances and aspirations of the masses.

Populism is particularly vulnerable to emergence during periods of heightened economic inequality and political discontent, and is often directed by leaders and parties that claim to represent the voices of ordinary citizens.

While populism has the advantage of reflecting the voices of the people in politics, it risks deepening social divisions. This style of government sometimes threatens the fundamental principles of
democracy, diversity and tolerance. (by Copilot, Bing)

2.In politics there is an inertia to increase spending using "crisis response" as leverage. Increased spending is easy for the electorate to understand, and it is used as a quick way to collect votes. Until now, many finacial support measures have been included for the elderly with high voter turnout and for small and medium-sized enterprises(SMEs), where many of the people work. In addition, the defense budget and measures to address the declining birthrate were added. If this trend continues,the budget deficit will only continue to grow. Under these circumstances, the Bank of Japan has been purchasing a large amount of government bonds for a long period of time under the guise of unprecedented easing. The government no longer has to worry about its own cash flow,and it can raise funds at interest rates close to zero. If the interest rate is zero, no matter how much debt you accumulate, your pocket will not be damaged for the time being. For the political world of trying to increase spending, there has never been a more fortunate situation. (Yahoo, excerpt source:Kenzo Yamamoto "Crime and Punishment of Quantitative and Qualtative Monetary Easing" (Kodansha Gendai Shinsho)

3.The proportion of foreign holders of Japan government bonds has gradually increased over the past 20 years. Approx.5% in 2004, appox 7% in 2010, approx. 10% in 2015, approx. 13% in 2020, approx. 13.3% in 2024. (by Copilot, Bing)

4.When Japan government bonds crash, investors tend to avoid the Japan yen, which may lead to a weaker yen. This is because investors sell yen to avoid risk and move their funds to safer assets (e,g.dollars)

The collpse of Japan government bonds will cause anxiety in the domestic financial market as a whole, and it is likely to have a negative impact on the stock market. In particular, the stock prices of financial institutions and companies that hold large amount of government bonds may fall significantly.(b Copilot, Bing)

Note: The collapse of Japan government bonds began with a barrage of selling by foreign investors. It has been set up many times in the past and has escaped by continuing to defend itself, but the degree of danger increases as the proportion of foreigners owns it increases.


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