
G広告 広告主指定広告
Shopping, dining, etc. for foreign visitors

G広告 広告主指定広告



Shopping, dining, etc. for foreign visitors

Ginza Hakuhinkan: Even in Ginza, where there are many long-established stores, this store has a long history, and its website states that it has been in business for 124 years (as of 2024). For this reason, it is well known both domestically and internationally, and many customers come to choose souvenirs for their children. The red doll in the photo sings and claps, which attracts children, and the exhibit, which usually changes in a short period of time, continues for a long time.

Tourists from various countries, including Asia, Europe, the United States, and the Middle East, come to Ginza and you can see their children playing there,and when you look at Hakuhinkan, you can see the children are looking with the same interst.

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100yen Shop Ginza    銀座  English Map Seria セリア Photo, Explanation
Bank Ginza    銀座  English Map MitsubishiUFJ Bank   三菱UFJ銀行 Photo, Explanation
Bank Ginza    銀座  English Map MitsuiSumitomo Banking       三井住友銀行 Photo, Explanation
Fashion Ginza    銀座  English Map Uniqlo ユニクロ Photo, Explanation
Fasion Ginza    銀座  English Map Workmanワークマン Photo, Explanation
Ramen Ginza    銀座  English Map Kyushujangara 
Photo, Explanation
Restaurant Ginza    銀座  English Map Shiseido 
Photo, Explanation
Shoes Ginza    銀座  English Map Onitsuka Tigar,
Photo, Explanation
Smart Phone Ginza    銀座  English Map Apple,アップル Photo, Explanation
Stationaries Ginza    銀座  English Map Kyukyodo 鳩居堂 Photo, Explanation
Super Market Ginza    銀座  English Map Hanamasaハナマサ Photo, Explanation
Toys Ginza    銀座  English Map Hakuhinkan 博品館 Photo, Explanation

